Silvia Noronha and Niko de Paula Lefort, are applying for the CTM 2023 Radio Lab to follow up on the site-specific, performative media art installation “sensible fields” (2022), in which interac- tions between humans, materials and the environment are made sensitive.
documentation of past exhibitions, 2022
Sensible fields, Silvia Noronha & Niko de Paula Lefort, 2022 - ongoing, radio transmission environment (senders, receivers, transducers, antenas), metal plates, sand, glass, shells, twigs, marbles, translucent foil, acrylic balls, metal balls, bricks, styrofoam, corals, fossils, latex and unidentified objects, Kunstverein Goettingen, 2022
Sensible fields, Silvia Noronha & Niko de Paula Lefort, 2022 - ongoing, radio transmission environment (senders, receivers, transducers, antenas, cables), mini sole panels, metal plates, sand, glass, shells, twigs, marbles, translucent foil, acrylic balls, metal balls, bricks, styrofoam, corals, fossils, latex and unidentified objects, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, 2022
technical details
Collection of materials: wood, branches, stones, fossils, marbles, metal plates, plastic remains, styrofoam, and others
We plan to experiment in space with four or more metal plates stretched with transparent latex (see last picture above), to try out larger sizes and how this influences the radio ecosystem.
The installation seeks to create a portal where there is an exercise in ontological equality of each discrete thing. Here, the observer and the observered, the subject and the object, enter into a dance and intra-actions. In this sensitive field, all things human or non-human are real entities, they are multiplicities, hybrids, resonance machines, sonority clusters and complexities.